日期:9/14() 札幌-小樽 來回

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日期: 9/15()上午

位於札幌市野晃森林公園, 北海道開拓村重現日本19世紀中至20世紀初(明治大正時期)的建築風貌及北海道居民的生活.村莊劃分為市街區/農村區/山林區/漁村區,建物皆依照實體還原,再次體現大和民族文物保存及維護的用心.

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A new idea of the monetary system emerged in recent years: Ripple Monetary System.

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Recently the Chinese Business Weekly introduced the story of Laurence Fink, the chairman and chief executive officer of BlackRock, the hugest asset management company with total asset values over 12 billion dollars. Mr. Fink was once famous in Wall Street for his introducing of CMO (Collateralized Mortgage Obligations), a type of mortgage backed security, and was called “Mr. Bond” at that time. Few years later, he disappeared. In the midst of the subprime crisis and the global financial crisis, he regained the spotlight because of his expert at risk management. Now, Mr. Fink is the most powerful person with huge influence in Wall Street and the White House.

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“Up In the Air”,

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To define the world I want to live in, I wrote down a list of those would make me happy or angry.

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To define the world I want to live in, I wrote down a list of those would make me happy or angry.

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Monday, Dec 7th, 2009. In Angela's workroom.

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