

To define the world I want to live in, I wrote down a list of those would make me happy or angry.

Then, I could detail the world I want to live in further.


Angry List: Those would make me angry or be pained

1. Behave in ways that do not make sense

2. Take too much advantage of favorable rules for their own privileges


3. Take advantage of others to gain more privilege or fames or profits

4. Cheating and harming others for just their own profits

5. Always make everything a mess in work

6. Always take a shortcut (投機取巧), not hard-working

7. Do not respect others’ right

8. Do not trust and rely on me

9. Do not recognize and support my ideas or decisions

10. Tend to force me doing something I don’t like to do

11. Tend to control my life

12. Cheat & Betray (背叛)

13. Noises & Polluted Air

14. Too Hot & Hungry (I’m serious)

15. Wars & Fights & Hurt each other



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